Our Mission

We strive to deliver our clients the most precise online fitness coaching experience they have ever experienced. Through relentless hustle, we pour our hearts into our clients with the hopes that they will reach the goals they never thought were imaginable.

Ask yourself how often is my online training contacting me? Is my plan on a PDF sheet? Is my nutrition tailored to me? HAVE I SEEN CHANGE IN THE LAST 4 weeks? Paying a low price for something that doesn’t work doesn’t get you any better. From our daily accountability to our nutrition and fitness plans everything is 100% tailored to you. We take the time to fully understand your life and your habits so we can take that information and create a plan specially for you. Once a plan is developed we are relentless in our efforts to hold you accountable to the goals we set. It’s with this level of Precision that makes us 100% confident that changes will be made.

Our Knowledge


Our Favorite charities


No one regardless of finances, should be denied the opportunity to eat. Yet sadly each year over 37 million people struggle with hunger and that doesn’t include those considered hunger insecure. Feeding America is one of the largest networks for hunger in America and helps over 40 million each year.


It’s no surprise we are extremely passionate about our Cooper but that extends to all animals. The idea of animal abuse just breaks our hearts. That’s why we’re a big advocate of the ASPCA. They are one of the largest fighters against animal cruelty and homelessness and rescue over 47,000 animals each year.